What is LivingLab?

According to strategic documentation compiled by the polish government, in 2011 one in five Poles and one in four Europeans was older than 60. The process of aging accelerates in European societies. Specialists in the field of demographics predict that by 2050 almost 28% of EU population will be composed of people that are 65+.

As surprising as it may sound, the elderly are our future. Therefore, it is of highest importance for us to learn how to include this demographic in various activities, facilitate their participation in modern technology-based world, and ultimately apply their strength for the benefit of society at large. Such an objective however cannot be achieved without solid knowledge about the psychological and sociological processes associated with aging, and ways of dealing with them.

The Living Laboratory (LivingLab) project is run by Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology (PJATK) and aim to face the challenges of elderly policy as they are defined in documents prepared by the polish government, EU and WHO. It also designed to focus on promoting active aging, as well providing the elderly with the opportunity to pursue an independent and satisfying lifestyle and the Chance for the seniors to utilize their full potential as citizens and members of society.